Garden Earth

Skeeter Smith

May 12, 2024

I love when my garden

Blooms and blooms,

Roses all bundled,

Nestled in their petals.

Seeds of various

Fruit and flower,

Emerging from soil

Planted with hope.

My babies are sprouting,

Sprinkle with water,

Each day a new seedling

Sprouts a new flower.

My gardenia

White blooms, pungent

Fills the air.

Sweet peas trailing

Wafting in the breeze,

Smell them as they blossom,

Down the street.

Chocolate mint trails wild,

Varieties in the mix

Fresh herbs for cooking

Rosemary for homemade bread.


Eat off the vine,

Strawberries so luscious,

Raspberries taste divine.

Cannot pick them fast enough,

Eating in the garden,

Earth to mouth

Not forgotten.

Solace in my garden

God’s nature reserve

Keeps me grounded,

Part of the earth.

Skeeter Smith works in the finance industry with numbers, spreadsheets, and treasury rates. She is a graduate of Arizona State University with a Bachelor’s degree in History and a Master’s degree in Business Management. She is the mother of one and grandmother of three. The most important work in her life will always be within the four walls of her home.


multiples of seven


What I Kept