the mystery of resilience

Sister Lou Ella Hickman

March 22, 2022

in honor of the faith of the ukrainian people

tonight’s news—

another agonizing war story

with commentary about resilience of the spirit 

some would label it endurance, persistence, or tenacity

even so it remains a mystery 

and might this mystery be added to the sorrowful ones

or at least a codicil to the luminous

for resilience is the great unknown 

rare like the perfect pearl

yet ordinary as dust . . .


when it is shaped and layered by adversity 

grace calls forth

a face

a name

a life

the kiss of hope’s breath made visible

Sister Lou Ella is a former teacher and librarian who now ministers as a spiritual director; her poems have appeared in numerous magazines and four anthologies. She was a Pushcart nominee in 2017 and 2020. Press 53 published her first book of poetry she: robed and wordless in 2015. 


The Unknown Mother


War Is Raw