Jesse Doiron
March 26, 2022
Gentle Jack, who shoots
real guns at rabbits from afar,
at twelve, still likes to play
at being wounded in a war.
Down a deep-declining ditch
that’s richly overgrown
in weeds, where hares dwell
whimsically in peace, as if alone,
the boy rolls well in throes
of well-imagined agony.
Great gouts of blood pretend
upon the battle, gamily,
until he falls against a nest
of leverets, near death,
unhappy in their wandering
about for mother’s breath.
Jesse Doiron spent 13 years overseas in countries where he often felt as if he were a “thing” that had human qualities but couldn’t communicate them. He teaches college, now, to people a third his age. He still feels, often, as if he is a “thing” that has human qualities but can’t communicate them.