Early On 

Milton Jordan

February 27, 2022

He pointed out my nickname written 

on onion skin my brother sent from some

unnamed base in an unmentioned country.

My brother, Daddy claimed, sent the letter 

to me and he read aloud the words I might 

recognize after several such letters.

Most days he read from the Morning News

and I tried to speak the strange names of towns

he would point out with a Chesterfield 

between his fingers. Rob’s base is near there.

He works on motors to keep airplanes flying.

My brother, Robbie, came home from that war,

we thought uninjured, and mustered out

at the Smith County Center where we met him 

to begin the trip back to Teague and a world

that exposed injuries we had not seen.

Milton Jordan lives with Anne in Georgetown, Texas. His chapbook, The Amberman Poems, is out from Kallisto Gaia Press. A collection, A Forest for the Trees, is forthcoming from Backroom Window Press.


Photo of the Great War