The Commissioners’ Friends
Milton Jordan
November 1, 2021
Upstream from two interstate bridges
the San Gabriel in spring surge slaps
its current against the rocky south bank
before running more smoothly through concrete
pilings into a pool no longer
a favored picnic and swimming spot,
edges now skimmed with off-colored algae,
but deep-pocket developers still deflect
every challenge from our loose coalition
we named Valley River Advocates
to mock their planned Valley River Estates
clearing another eighty-eight acres
along the river’s more rolling north bank
where the county scrapped the plan to create
hiking trails and a nature preserve.
Milton Jordan lives in Georgetown with the musician Anne Elton Jordan. His most recent poetry collection is What the Rivers Gather, SFASU Press, 2020. Milton edited the anthology, No Season for Silence: Texas Poets and Pandemic, Kallisto Gaia Press, 2020.