And still we hungered

Herman Sutter

October 21, 2020

This is the president

we elected without regard for who

he was. We wanted him

for our own, 


he demanded nothing 

of us. And we demanded 


but that he be our king

and that he please 

break something

(at least the monotony)

on his way to the throne.

Lest we forget:

Samuel stood before the people

warning them:

He will take your sons and daughters

take your vine and field

Take your best

and give it to his servants

and make of you

his slaves

yet still we hungered

for a king.

Herman Sutter is a school librarian and volunteer hospital chaplain, as well as the award-winning author of the poetry collection, The World Before Grace (Wings Press, 1991) and the blog The World Before Grace (and after).  His work has appeared in Texas Poetry Calendar, tejascovido, The Langdon Review, St. Anthony Messenger, and the anthology: By the Light of a Neon Moon.  




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