Moon is a Metaphor unto Herself

Elisa A. Garza

April 2, 2023

No simple spotlight

coaxing out moths

or hazy guidepost

among filigree clouds.

I have written you: 

pale gibbous stone

alone in blue sky,

barest opening

of crescent eye

as night begins.

Quarter half lit,

splattered, yet pure,

invisible when new,

cratered and smooth.

Wave maker, 

you are mythos, 

luna eterna, 

forever muse.

Elisa A. Garza, a native Houstonian, has published two chapbooks, Entre la Claridad (Mouthfeel Press, soon to appear in a second edition) and Familia (The Portlandia Group).  She has taught students from elementary through senior citizens in public schools, universities, and community programs.  Currently, she works as a freelance editor.


Lunar Morning


New Moon over Enchanted Rock