
John Rutherford

February 5, 2023

She shines despite the fog, the sky

turns from blue to black,

tail-lights shining on the highway,

a train stopped on the tracks.

A cloud shrouds blue

around her, against the darkening sky,

three stars shine beside, like kings,

a twinkle in the eye.

Do they bear gifts tonight?

Gold, frankincense, and myrrh,

or do they come to see

the aftermath of virgin birth? 

Tail-lights move into the distance,

in the East, three stars rejoice,

the conductor sounds his horn,

change is the moon’s silent voice.

John Rutherford is a poet writing in Beaumont, Texas. Since 2018, he has been an employee in the Department of English at Lamar University.


The Raiment of the Moon


Birch Moon