Seasoned Love

Jan Seale

November 19, 2023

What if two,

after long years of living,

after the depths and heights

of the heart’s journey,

after the joy of having children,

after travels, situations,

friendships, failures, 

triumphs and dreams—

what if two should

by happy chance 

find each other?

Then, let them note 

that sunsets show 

the grandest colors,

that the open blossom 

gives off the sweetest scent,

that only the tall tree 

gives shade.

Let them delight 

that rain is followed 

by sparkling dew,

that thunder and lightning 

bring the freshest air,

that a pale moon 

may visit a dawning sky.

And let them content themselves

with laughter and stories,

with weaving their skills together,

with noting the seen and unseen.

Let them know 

that they have received

a blessing full-fold,

and are to take the testimony

of love in all its strength

and bear it forward.

Jan Seale lives in deep South Texas.  She has authored nine poetry volumes as well as books in fiction, nonfiction, and children's literature.  She is the 2012 Texas Poet Laureate. "Seasoned Love" was read at her wedding five years ago to a man she had known for many, many years.


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