Lament from a Corner Booth at El Chepo’s 

Steve Wilson

December 26, 2022

The developers are closing in. Mile after mile they’re downing trees 

and plotting. Seems everyone wants a piece of the Hill Country. Here 

at the thinning edge of town, road crews widen neighborhood streets. 

Overnight, acres of scrubland have been tamed by new two-stories.


Most mornings, hiding away again, I stop by El Chepo’s for chilaquiles 

and the small-town chatter from high-school coaches, a rancher 

whose cattle dog lies patiently atop his mud-covered pickup, retired couples


catching up over coffee. It’s all as familiar as their green salsa, fiery 

enough to coax open memory like landscapes from a fading past.

Steve Wilson's poetry has appeared in journals and anthologies nationwide; as well as in five collections, the most recent entitled The Reaches. His new book, Complicity, will be published in early 2023. He lives in San Marcos.


Bayou Landscape Detail


Autumn Rapture