friendly state
d. ellis phelps
February 2, 2025
we hope the power
will stay on—that
there will be no snow
some of us hope
to see blue in power
but no
no matter
how red things get
no matter
we power on:
drive by the dry riverbed
—pray for rain
dig up invasives
—opt for natives
pre-cycle plastics
—drink from glasses
in this state that’s said to be friendly
we’ve built a wall called neighbors enemies
we’re rather stuck on our civil war heroes
one neighbor still calls some of us negros
when the sandhills and wax wings
arrive every spring
when the dandelions bloom
when the cardinal sings
when the neighbor shares a plate of pasta
when the kid next door does good
when the wren returns to her nest by the window
—yellow beaks of a brood reaching
i am assured
without doubt
without reason
d. ellis phelps’ work has appeared widely online and in print. She is the author of four poetry collections and one novel and the editor of Moon Shadow Sanctuary Press (MSSP) and of the digital journal fws: international journal of literature & art where she publishes the work of others.