Can I be a Good Father?

Thomas Hemminger

May 19, 2024

I am a child of divorce. 

Can I be a good father?

As my son grows, he slowly 

leaves the territory 

I think I know. 

My son grew past the 

bottles and diapers, 

the napping and board books, 

the holding on, 

and now I feel—


I suddenly don’t have

all the answers, anymore. 

How can I lead

when I don’t 

hold the map? 

Maybe it’s time 

for my son to lead. 

We’ll find our way 

together, and soon enough

we will arrive again—


Thomas Hemminger is an elementary music teacher living in Dallas, Texas. His work has been published locally in Dallas, as well as in The Wilda Morris Poetry Challenge, The Texas Poetry Assignment, and The Poetry Catalog where he recently earned first place in the spring 2024 poetry contest. His personal hero is Mr. Fred Rogers, the creator of Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood. It was through America’s favorite “neighbor” that Thomas learned of the importance of loving others, and of giving them their own space and grace to grow.




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