Basset Cross Blues

Darby Riley

December 22, 2021

Dog Joe whines

at the door

What do you want, Joe?

If not out, then in.

Food, water, a walk,

a pat on the head,

a pee on area flora,

a blanket to lie on,

a bus to bark away,

a weed to sniff and slobber on,


Another leashed and neutered

brother to nose,

a sidewalk sister to kiss,

a siren to answer

joyfully, mournfully,

remembering distant freedom.

Darby Riley, a native San Antonian, has been married to Chris Riley since 1971 and they have three grown children and a granddaughter, age 6. He has hosted a monthly poetry writing workshop for over 25 years. He practices law with his son Charles and is active in the local Sierra Club.


Rex, Dancing


Ten Years Gone