Retirement Morning

Robert Wynne

November 17, 2024

The wet nose of my alarm clock

snuffles itself into my ear

and I swivel clockwise on my rump

to slide quietly free of heavy covers.

I take Charlie outside to pee.

The sun itself isn’t even awake yet

but we sit for a good minute, her

sniffing the air while I marvel

at suburban stars, a phenomenon

dwindling as sunrise nears.

The shape of an otherwise white egret

swoops black across the waning moon

and we head back inside. I provide

the customary treats and snuggle

back into bed next to my sleeping wife

who doesn’t get to hear canine jaws

chomping on the remnants of night

as the coming dawn promises light

and little else in the way of guarantees.

Robert Wynne earned his MFA in Creative Writing from Antioch University.  A former co-editor of Cider Press Review, he has published 6 chapbooks, and 3 full-length books of poetry, the most recent being “Self-Portrait as Odysseus,” published in 2011 by Tebot Bach Press.  He’s won numerous prizes, and his poetry has appeared in magazines and anthologies throughout North America.  Recently retired, he lives in Burleson, TX with his wife and their German Shepherd, Charlie. His online home is


The Horned Toad: Phrynosoma cornatum

