Deep East Texas
Milton Jordan
July 9, 2023
You might leave Uncertain one morning, sun
rising early over Caddo, glistening
off gray moss hanging damp from cypress
along the lake, pass through stands of white pine
cones fallen on blankets of browning needles
before reaching a pocket prairie,
its new grass waving in a fresh breeze.
Pick up 87 through the Sabine Forest
with smaller slash pine, black gum and ash;
drop through remnants of the Big Thicket
dense with undergrowth and stunted palmetto
below the limbs of towering loblollies
and like Arctic Circle locals with seven sounds
for snow, you’ll need myriad ways to say green.
Milton Jordan lives with Anne in Georgetown, Texas. He co-edited the first Texas Poetry Assignment anthology, Lone Star Poetry, Kallisto Gaia Press, 2022.