Chuck Taylor
July 30, 2023
So I say if they give you lemons that taste like nails
You might go ahead and make somber battery acid
So I say if they pave over those trees you so dearly
loved, that dense forest of hardwoods that ran
along the floodplain of Wolf Pen Creek, to build
a line of commonplace chain corporate eateries
that drove out of business the local establishments,
then I say this time take time to consider not
taking acid revenge, don’t give yourself an ulcer
or disfigure anyone’s face. Go out and consider
the quiet clouds, they haven’t found a way to market
the clouds yet, no one as yet claims mineral rights
or owns the deeds to clouds. So I say stare at
the common clouds, watch them drift across the
sagacious empty blue of sky, using a tree perhaps
as your reference point, and enjoy the way
the clouds shape-shift, how they build cathedrals
way up in the air and then break them silently
down right in the soft miles before your eyes,
watch till time grows timeless and the sun
begins to set and you see how the rosy fingers of
the sun illuminate the clouds at first, but
then the color shifts, taking on bands of purple
or yellow tone, and then the sun sets further
and its light just clips the lower bumps of clouds,
making them a pinkish orange, while the
rest of the clouds grow dark. Your soul is like
those clouds. Luminous and light your soul
shape-shifts through the sky of your body, building
splendid architectures, taking on such holy
colors. Timeless are the clouds of your unknowing
where the worries of naming lemon words
break like a mirror dropped on a floor and your
humble rosy heart drifts in a living peace on its
royal road to falling snow or blessing rain. That’s
you, you know, sliding so easy from life to life.
Chuck Taylor's latest novel is "Hamlet Versus Shakespeare." He taught Shakespeare at Angelo State University. The novel turns the tragedy of Hamlet into an adventure and comedy. Taylor is retired from wandering and teaching and spends his time with books, friends, family, manuscripts, a dog, and household repairs.