Eres Tu
Shelley Armitage
January 21, 2024
after the popular love song of the same name
You, eres tu
the swimmer struggling up a clay slick beach
You who cannot swim
thirst in waters you cannot drink
Desparecida on the border that
liminal space embraced by cactus thorns
you taste a stomach so empty
so brined in necessary love
And you the backpack left by the border wall
hold tight a child’s skirt, wrestle discarded bottles
You you carry a pentimento of loss
You earth so proud that you crack open
sending angry warnings
to the builders blocking monarchs
shaking walls tipped in barbed wire
You the soldier who spit when waved
at reply to our broken Spanish puta
and to you on the other side of the wall
helicopter a ceaseless tsunami of wind
when you you and you visited
there just to see
You wet cheek in rivulets running
this rough road to hope and prayers
You you eres tu
Would I give you the water from my fountain?
the fire from my home?
the bonfire made for sharing?
Eres tu eres tu
You carry a child wound tight to your breast
through bonfire, bombs, discountenance, starvation
desesperada You
cry out to chatting tv hosts
y quien eres tu
And who are you?
Dr. Shelley Armitage is a professor emerita at the University of Texas at El Paso. She is author of ten books, the most recent a collection of poems, A Habit of Landscape, its title from a line in her memoir, Walking the Llano: A Texas Memoir of Place.