Betsy Joseph
November 27, 2022
At this stage of life
we are palimpsests—
alterations made on our original selves,
not unlike old manuscripts with erasures
allowing another’s writing to occupy the space
while still leaving traces of the first author’s thoughts.
We stop to glance into mirrors now—
not to admire our reflection
but to search for traces of recognition
in that face which appeared in early photos,
comparing the faded expression
with the face that returns our gaze.
Betsy Joseph lives in Dallas and has had poems appear in a number of journals and anthologies. She is the author of two poetry books published by Lamar University Literary Press: Only So Many Autumns (2019) and most recently, Relatively Speaking (2022), a collaborative collection with her brother, poet Chip Dameron. In addition, she and her husband, photographer Bruce Jordan, have produced two books, Benches and Lighthouses, which pair her haiku with his black and white photography.