Where We Planted the New Garden Bed
June 1, 2020
Being that the rain came in plentiful
last night and thorough into morning,
I didn’t anticipate how difficult turning
soil would be on a Sunday morning.
It was. The stone-hard dirt thwarting
shovels and the full weight of this heavy
man balancing with some assistance
the standard blade against the earth,
seventeen holes difficultly dug yielded
little openings for the given effort,
what serves as a prayer for new days
taking root (blooming as the hearty
will year to year, growing more lively).
We’ll give them more water tonight,
new plants in old dirt, and let it be
enough, with the care we can still give.
Making his home in San Antonio, MARK H. W. HIEBERT works in multiple mediums to find a few threads of meaning. He took his MFA in creative writing from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia in 1998. Among other places, he can be found online at hiebertphotography.com and meadowoodisaband.com.