Building Relationships Online


May 4, 2020

How do I build relationships online when no one seems to have the time?

I try to text and try to call but no one seems to care for it all.

I post my lesson each week online, but only a few turn them in on time.

I send them a message and make a call.

Once again, no response, none at all.

How did I build a relationship online?

I posted a video about not being able to go out and how it was driving me insane. 

To my surprise, a kid responded. That was the first time she and I ever bonded.

We talked for an hour about COVID and how the whole thing was just so morbid.

We talked about prom, graduation and banquets.

We talked about class and how she didn’t think she would make it.

I offered my help and joked about how these classes are not sublime.

To my surprise, she said, “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow online.”

MARY GUERRORO PEREZ is a Spanish teacher at Palo Duro High School in Amarillo, Texas.


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