Bliss on a Bicycle
March 24, 2020
There’s a road near my house
With a U-shaped elevation
And you can coast up and down
On two wheels at high speed
We circle around the church lot
And salute from 10 feet away
The hospital workers
Taking a break with a walk
The garish red trumpet lilies
Are at the top of the hill
And the breeze is blowing
Wisteria petals in my face
Then I start coasting down
My feet off the pedals
All limbs outstretched
Balancing in this bliss
The wind whips in my ears
And gets so loud
I can’t even hear
The music in my pocket
I replace my feet
And raise one hand carefully
Relishing the air zooming
Past my skin
I turn around and do it again
Like a child again and again
So happy to be here, outside
And alive and healthy
JESSICA NENO CLOUD is a poet, mama of two wild things, and higher education fundraiser who lives in Hattiesburg, MS. She earned a Master of Arts degree in English literature from the University of Southern Mississippi. You can read more of her work on her Instagram page @jessicacloudpoetry.