Sequels Often Bomb (or S. O. B.)

Thomas Quitzau

February 22, 2022

Are we due another big one? Big War?

Us vs. them? And then there’s Russian Bear.

US, Ukraine, EU: don’t poke the Bear!

Second sequels bomb at box offices

Oil & gas grease streets and pipes’ auspices

Under Baltic Seas, over lands too far.

Homerian, Orwellian we fall

Arcading head shots, cascading so small

Wee workers stand and yell to scare the Bear.

Super spreader arms, horse manure trends,

Scary messages the high def face sends, 

On who’s listening world order depends.

Scantily clad ruler on bareback horse,

“Big Guys” blast shows of military force,

“It’s all pre-emptive,” they tell us, of course.

Eliciting hatred, mocking chortles,

Gratuitous violence, spare mortals,

Sequels have bombed at theater portals.

Thomas Quitzau is a poet and teacher who grew up in the Gulf Coast region and who worked for over 30 years in Houston, Texas. A survivor of Hurricane Harvey, he recently wrote a book entitled Reality Showers, and currently teaches and lives on Long Island, New York with his wife and children.


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