Hey Abboooott!!!! (Lou Costello)

Alan Berecka

August 19, 2021

Funny ain’t it, that in this state

that still enforces Blues Laws

for booze on Sundays, in this state

where gamblers have to hightail it

over the state line to feed eight liners,

in this state where marijuana

is still illegal for any purpose,

in this state where reproductive rights

are being eroded quicker than our coast,

in this state that doesn’t even trust

its citizens to vote, our governor claims

that wearing a mask to curtail COVID

is a matter of personal responsibility,

which has me hoping that any day

now I’ll be able to light a joint

and swig a beer at my local casino

early on some fine Sunday morning,

but, should these hopes prove false,

perhaps our governor might decide

to stop out-Trumping DeSantis as he

illegally gambles with so many lives.

Alan Berecka earns a living as a reference librarian at Del Mar College in Corpus Christi. His poetry has appeared in many journals including The Concho River Review, The Windward Review, Ruminate, and The Christian Century. In 2017 he was named the first Poet Laureate of Corpus Christi.


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