Duet with Fragments (after Sappho)
Vincent Hostak
October 21, 2022
To me he seems like a god
as he sits facing you and
hears you near as you speak
softly and laugh - Fragment 31, Sappho
I listen
to your sweet and
smiling speech as he sits facing you and
hears you near as you speak
softly and laugh
I’ll soon
let slip the aim
of every word They could not forget you
Poised beyond their reach
They are leaves
with precise and
tender markings,
each with meaning
It is their greenness,
each fragment
almond-shaped or
in parcels warmly clustered
I hear a sweet echo that jolts
the heart in my ribs
It is the flush
complexion of
the moon
I hear blushing sweet on a high branch
At the tip of the tallest tree
I can add
nothing, so
I listen I look at you
my voice is empty
Vincent Hostak is a writer and media producer from Texas now living near the Front Range of Colorado south of Denver. His recently published poems are found in the journals Sonder Midwest and the Langdon Review of the Arts in Texas and as a contributor to the TPA. He writes & produces the podcast: Crossings-the Refugee Experience in America.
Fragment 31, tr Willis Barnstone
To me he seems like a god
as he sits facing you and
hears you near as you speak
softly and laugh....
a sweet echo that jolts
the heart in my ribs...
I look at you
my voice is empty
Fragment 105(a), tr Anita George
They could not forget you
Poised beyond their reach...
blushing sweet on a high branch
At the tip of the tallest tree