Do Not Make a Speech

Jesse Doiron

January 2, 2021

Talk to us

in words we know,

from thoughts we think

and tears we feel.


Do not lie

to make false claims

with words we fear

that shake our faith.


Tell the truth

in clear, sound words

that ring in ears

and sing in hearts.


Say it well

with words we hold

to be our own

as much as yours.


Do not make a speech.

Do not make a speech.

Do not make a speech.

Jesse Doiron was once wrestled to the ground by bodyguards of Eduard Shevardnadze, at the time, the president of the Republic of Georgia.  The first secretary of the American embassy, who witnessed incident, quickly brushed aside the fracas– a minor misunderstanding.  It was then that Jesse realized presidents command attention.  



On the Occasion Of


From Nazareth they come: a poem for the inauguration