A New Place
Sherry Craven
January 15, 2021
I gave birth to a child once
and immediately the air was lighter,
motes of dust became stars.
Colors touched my soul with bright,
hope was in everything, everywhere,
everyone. Hard became softer.
His presence washed over me, the world,
as I watched him start a new, fresh life,
promising a path not traveled before.
I watched him lead me into a new place
full of promise, full of little leaps of
excitement that all was good now.
I could walk out into my life knowing
the path of his birth was my rebirth,
faith we would all somehow be safe.
SHERRY CRAVEN has published poetry in numerous journals and anthologies and has had a poetry collection Standing at the Window published by vacpoetry in Chicago. She has also had flash fiction and creative nonfiction published and read poetry on NPR, as well as being included in Quotable Texas Women