The Shot(s)

Thomas Quitzau

August 5, 2021

Didya get the shot? Did you get the shot?

Didya get the shot? You should get the shot!

You should get the shot! You should get the shot!

Why’d I get it? I really dunno!

Why’d I get it? They said that I should!

They said it was free! It was free! Free! Free!

I feel so free! I got the shot! Did you?

Did you get the shot? Didya get the shot?

I just got the shot! Which one did you get?

Which shots did you get? Did you get one? Two?

I got two; did you? My shot’s the good one!

The other? Not so good! Did you get one?

Which one? Up to you! You oughta get two!

They stopped the one-shot! Did you get that one?

I got the other! Did you get the shot?

Which one’dyou get? None? There’s only one!

Now there’s another shot! Did you get it?

I didn’t get it! I got the other!

They said I needed it! Now they say we

Need an other! A nother! Another!

Here’s to the one-shot, two-shots, three-shots more!

Thomas Quitzau is a poet and teacher who grew up in the Gulf Coast region and who worked for over 30 years in Houston, Texas. A survivor of Hurricane Harvey, he recently wrote a book entitled Reality Showers, and currently teaches and lives on Long Island, New York with his wife and children.


The Day I Drove a Pick-Up Truck in Houston


The Stillness