#19 On Edge

This assignment is open through Sunday, February 20, 2022. On that day, a special Texas Poetry Assignment reading event dedicated to this assignment will be scheduled for 7 pm.


This assignment is inspired by a December 18, 2021 article in The New York Times under the headline “Americans on Edge.” This article focused on the emergence and surge of the Omicron variant and its effect on public health and attitudes, especially the rise in infections, illness, and the fatigue and disappointment felt when public events and holiday celebrations must be canceled.

The purpose of this assignment is to invite poems that (1) depict situations and relationships that put us and others emotionally on edge, and (2) include the word “edge.”

These emotions portrayed may include unease, fear, stress, anxiety, aggression, worry, guilt, shame, and other feelings of oppression.

Poems should have intentions beyond private displays of emotion. For more on the community-building intentions of Texas Poetry Assignment, see our Editorial Philosophy and Aims.


See the poems published so far.


We are specifically interested in poems that demonstrate careful attention to the elements of shape, line, music, comparison, and balance, and especially how those choices contribute to the cooperative harmony of structure and sentiment in the poem.

Poems that do not meet these interests may be declined. For more on this perspective, see the five formal causes of beauty in poetry.

We also challenge you to consider new choices you might take in audience and poetic form as it pertains to aspects of narrative perspective, shape, sound, repetition, and enjambment.


Poetry submissions should be saved in Microsoft Word document format and composed in Times New Roman, 12 point font. They should be attached to an email to editor@texaspoetryassignment.org and include within the body of the email a brief cover letter and a 50-word biography.


This call is open through Sunday, February 20, 2022. Accepted poems will be published as received.


Writers will retain all rights to their work published on this site.


#20 Aubade Poems


#18: The Governor Poems