A Doorway into Thanks

Janelle Curlin-Taylor

May 7, 2021

Poetry allows pain

to find relief in rhyme,

in meter, in small

and measured lines,

set out upon the page.

Several poems later

other memories surround the pain,

softening the focus,

expanding the view.

At last, pain,

thus accompanied,

becomes a doorway into thanks.

Filled with gratitude,

pain — no longer alone —

moves into the background

and healing begins.

Janelle Curlin-Taylor is descended from several generations of Texas poets. Janelle has turned her poetry into sermons for 30 years. Her poetry has appeared in the di-verse-city Anthology, Blue Hole, Waco WordFest Anthology 2020, Texas Poetry Calendar 2021. She is married to California poet Jeffrey Taylor.


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