Three Kings Day, January 6th, 2021

Thomas Quitzau

February 8, 2021

Kings of today would have been despised,

As most are, by the three that followed 

Their hearts, seeking leadership bestowed,

Knowing even babies should be prized.

Were it not for suns, bearings would flee.

Cold wars, hot conflicts would cease to scare.

A billion mangers could not declare, 

Were it not for The Son, one of three.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, his true

Love died in our capitol building

When flag-draped bearded stormers pushed through

To fight, for freedom’s losers still sting.

A wring of hands, and all through the House,

Not a congresswoman was sitting

Down the balconies, raiders did douse

Police and podia spluttering;

Bullhorns, shouts, teargas, flags filled the stairs:

Whispers drowned, flashbangs’ rat-a-tat glares:

Senators, sheltered, safely huddled

Gaped while the duck’s lame-quacked bids muddled.

Thomas Quitzau is a poet and teacher who grew up in the Gulf Coast region and who worked for over 30 years in Houston, Texas. A survivor of Hurricane Harvey, he recently wrote a book entitled Reality Showers, and currently teaches and lives on Long Island, New York with his wife and children.


Those That Fall Gain Fire in Their Flight


As a Matter of Facts and Fictions